Alternative Fee Arrangements and Contingencies

Corporate policyholder representation is sophisticated plaintiffs’ work so AFA’s can make sense for client and counsel.

About Hoke LLCOur practice involves volatile, high-risk matters that do not always offer clear or easily predictable solutions. Hoke LLC understands this and seeks to provide financial certainty to our clients with respect to both transactional expense and the ultimate outcome. We are willing to share the risk with our clients through partial or full contingencies or other Alternative Fee Arrangements, including blended or fixed fees. We have confidence in ourselves and our ability to assess your risk from the outset based on our considerable experience. Our experience in this area is that many of our clients view complex insurance recovery as expensive and time-consuming. While efficiency and expediency are some of our proudest points of difference from our competition, aligning our interests directly with yours through AFA’s allows us to give you cost certainty. We will consider any reasonable AFA you might prefer.